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Pagination dont work - bullet energy

  1. Оффлайн



    Сообщений: 12


    i copy everything from dlestarter and i hope you understand my english :D

    my pagination dont work.

    if i click to change the page i can see the url like: /forum/showtopic/3-name/page-2/

    but the content is the same like on page 1.
    i tried to change the template but no changes

    maybe i found the solution. i tried on a other webspace with allow_url_include deactivated. it works fine.
    can this be the problem?

    i wanna stay on the other webspace. is there a way how can i fix that? i can not write anything in php.ini because its just webspace :(

    i hope i get any help
    12 мая 2015 - 08:29 / #1
  2. Онлайн



    Сообщений: 2130

    possible problems with htaccess
    or something else

    which version dle you use , you have adapted it for his bullet energy?
    xDaMoNx нравится это сообщение.

    сделаю любой модуль dle на заказ, если вам нужны услуги по dle
    скaйп rdn-team.com
    телегрaм @histoo

    12 мая 2015 - 19:19 / #2
  3. Оффлайн



    Сообщений: 12

    thanks for answer
    i use dle 10.4 with bulletenergy 1.3
    i tried another webspace with allow_url_include off and it works fine. but if i go on my new webspace with allow_url_include on the pagination dont work.
    i think its because of allow_url_include. but i wanna stay on the new webspace. my provider told me he can not change to off. maybe there is an other solution? maybe some code changes?
    12 мая 2015 - 21:16 / #3
  4. Онлайн



    Сообщений: 2130

    check param "page-"
    for example my router_param_type_0.php

    It can be а other problem but not in allow_url_include
    xDaMoNx нравится это сообщение.

    сделаю любой модуль dle на заказ, если вам нужны услуги по dle
    скaйп rdn-team.com
    телегрaм @histoo

    13 мая 2015 - 06:10 / #4
  5. Оффлайн



    Сообщений: 12

    ok thank you. i will try it out
    13 мая 2015 - 13:34 / #5
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